Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The New Sister (Emily)

Guess What? We are getting a new sister? I am going to meet her. Do you guys want to come too?

Do you want to go? 

We might as well, there is nothing on T.V.


What is your problem Sunny? She is beautiful.

Let us help you out of the box.

What is your name? Beth? 

Beverly? Belinda?

Um, Thank You and my name is Emily. 

No matter, Emily is all right, I guess. 

Want to go hide Sunny's homework from her?

Then she would be in trouble for not turning it in and she and mom would be very upset.

How can she be so pretty and so....so....so, Well, you know, Sunnyish. 

We are going to have to get rid of her. I can't take two of them.

Wait, I have another of my brilliant ideas. Do you remember the green jacket?

You want to mail her to Aunt Cleo? Mom would never fall for that a second time.

 No, but what if we mailed her to moms grand daughter Emily? Mom would never refuse anything for Emily. Now we just have to figure out how to get her in the box and to stay quiet.

Hey Emily, Do you want to play a game called 'New Sister'?

I am warning you, don't do it. I am going to do my homework. You guys should be doing yours too.

I'm in. How do you play.

Whoever is it hides in the box and the other sisters open it and pretend that you are a new sister and we are just meeting you.

That was almost too easy.

Emily, meet Emily and we hope you enjoy sunny Florida

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