Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Introducing Colleen

Hey Bethany, Betty, Did you guys hear the news? We are getting another sister.

Thanks Barbara Walters, but a new sister here is not exactly a news flash

No, Listen, This girls is supposed to be really special

Sunny, Mom thinks we are all special, even you for some reason

S-H-H-H-H....Here she comes now

Hi. My name is Colleen

Sooooo, What is so special about you 

Sh-h,Betty, Don't be rude

I don't know. No one ever told me I was special. Usually they think I am a bit of a grouch

The only person that ever thought I was special is my little sister, and she can be a bit of a grouch herself


  1. OH! there's that dress!!!! Was this the special commission you described several months ago? Is the whole apron embroidered? and how nice Josie looks with the little AG girl

  2. Yes, that is the dress I commissioned. The little girl is Sonali and I had actually told you about the fabric on your FB page and had told you about the commission before too. I was so excited about the dresses and they are every bit as great as I imagined.
