Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Green Jacket

The Girls are playing so well together. They have so many similarities, such as both being left handed. I could watch them together all day. - 

So, What are we going to do with it? 

Do with what? The picture? Mom will hang it on the refrigerator with the other ones.
No the Jacket, Silly. Can we burn it? 

No, We have 2 working smoke detectors. We'll get caught.
How about we just throw it away? 

You have obviously never had the 'kids with no clothes in third world countries' lecture
Besides that, I have a great idea!
We can get rid of it, and make Mom think we are doing a nice thing. Watch this.

WOW! Do you think it will work?
Not only will it work, I bet we can get Mom to pay the postage too.
The Package Traveled by U.S Mail from N.E. Ohio to Pleasant Grove Utah.
Mommie Look what we got!- Exclaims a very excited Trina and Beverly
What is it Beverly - you open it!
Hey - Betty sent you her jacket!-
Oh I just LOVE GREEN! I am going to put it on
You sure you don't want it Trina
No, I'll get Mommie to get me one too!
THANK YOU Betty & Bethany!

1 comment:

  1. For anyone that is curious, The jacket did travel to Utah to Cleo and she wrote the last half of this story when it arrived in Utah
